Thousands of success stories

Since 1921, the CSN has participated in many struggles to improve the living and working conditions of millions of workers. Efforts of this kind include struggles for free bargaining rights for all workers, prevention in occupational health and safety practices, the right to a decent income for all retired workers, and much much more.


Autonomy, Freedom & Solidarity

Unlike many labour unions, CSN affiliated unions are autonomous organizations. This autonomy preserves a union’s capacity for self-determination as well as to carry out its struggles and take necessary decisions by themselves and for themselves.

In promoting union autonomy, the CSN has been committed to freedom since its founding – a freedom that transcends the corporatist interests of specific groups and cements the exercise of active solidarity.

A Professional Defence Fund, in which all unions participate, gives concrete meaning to solidarity. This solidarity ensures that the struggles of each smaller group are supported by the larger whole.

At the CSN, unions organize on a sectoral or professional basis, in federations. There are eight federations, each of which has the responsibility to make available to its union affiliates all the services required for negotiations and the application of collective agreements.

Union life in the regions is organized around thirteen Regional Councils across Québec, which bring together, by region, the various CSN affiliate unions.

The Regional Council is vital for fostering solidarity among the unions in a region, particularly during conflicts. It is called upon to intervene on regional issues and on themes developed by the CSN in the course of its campaigns.

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years fighting
for workers rights

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Showing solidarity, together, regardless of our income, our job or our field of expertise, is to raise a movement that influences policies and concretely changes the quality of life of all CSN members and of society as a whole. That, for me, is the CSN.
Caroline Senneville
President of the CSN

SOME Advantages to be part of
a CSN laboUr union

Better wages

A better retirement plan

Group and family insurance

Better vacation, social, and sick leave

Better and safer working conditions

Greater job security