Brief on the ISPOW

Why Québec's four central labour organizationsare callng for the Income Support Program for Older Workers (ISPOW).

The inter-union coalition, made up of the CSD, the CSN, the CSQ and the FTQ, considers that in the event of a collective dismissal or company shutdown, older workers are faced with a dramatic situation that requires a specific, rapid response. Although some labour market reviews express concern about potential workforce shortages in the coming years, and consider it necessary to adopt social policies to keep the present workforce on the labour market, they nonetheless recognize that some older workers are faced with insurmountable obstacles in their attempts to re-enter the active working population, not the least of which is discrimination in hiring.

Date de publication 1 mai 2007
Dossiers Démocratie et gouvernement
Solidarité intersyndicale
Travail et emploi
Sujets, , ,
SourceConfédération des syndicats nationaux (CSN)
RégionL'ensemble du Québec