Memorandum with regards to the tabled Bill C-4

Memorandum presented by the Confédération des syndicats nationaux to the Standing Committee of Finance with regards to the tabled Bill C-4

“From the outset, [the] CSN denounces this legislation, which appears to be part of a strategy of the Conservative government to introduce omnibus bills that significantly amend several existing laws, and which serve to confuse more or less attentive observers. The CSN wholly disapproves of the omnibus legislative approach, which upsets the parliamentary process and is a risk, even a danger, for democracy.”

Date de publication 3 décembre 2013
Dossiers Démocratie et gouvernement
Économie et finances publiques
Travail et emploi
Sujets, ,
SourceConfédération des syndicats nationaux (CSN)
RégionL'ensemble du Québec